Welcome to St. Paul's Episcopal Church

SEEKING God in Christ. SERVING others for the sake of Christ.
GROWING in God’s image along the way.
FEEDING the hungry in mind, body, and spirit.
Worship Service

Worship Service

Worship with us in-person or at home. All are welcome each Sunday at 10:30am. Click Here for in-person and virtual service info.
Children at St Pauls

Children at St Paul's

As a small parish, St. Paul’s offers an intergenerational approach to worship and children of all ages are warmly welcomed among us.
Social Justice

Social Justice

St. Paul’s has a long history of outreach; that is, ministry to those in need. Click here if this sounds like something you’d like to explore.

A Note About Our Consolidation

At the Special Parish Meeting on May 4, 2024, the congregations of St. Paul’s McHenry, St. Ann’s Woodstock and St. Mary’s Crystal Lake, overwhelmingly voted to consolidate into a single parish (Trinity Episcopal Parish) with two locations/campuses (Woodstock and Crystal Lake).

Over the past years, it became apparent to the wardens, vestry and clergy that the time is now to streamline our parishes as the way to be good stewards of our resources and focus on our primary goal of mission to our community.

It is believed that consolidation will significantly decrease those items that have to do with institutional survival and exponentially strengthen the mission and ministry carried out by the Episcopal presence in our county.

We believe that we are stronger together and are delighted that the will of the people has been heard in a resounding chorus. The consolidation will become effective January 1, 2025, by the grace of God and ratification by the Diocesan Convention.

Here is the link to the St. Ann’s/St. Mary’s website where you can see further information: https://stannsstmarys.org/may4/

We Episcopalians

Episcopalians believe in a loving and life-giving God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in following the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.

We have a legacy of inclusion; aspiring to proclaim and embody God’s love for every human being regardless of the color of their skin, their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Women and men serve as bishops, priests, and deacons.  Laypeople and clergy work together as leaders at all levels of the church. We believe that leadership is a gift from God that can be expressed by all people.

We strive to heal and transform injustice and brokenness in ourselves, our communities, institutions, and society.

As the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, we seek to “love God with our whole heart, mind, and soul, and to love our neighbors as ourselves.”
Matthew 22:35-40

We believe that God loves everyone and no one is outside of God’s love.

Love God. Love Your Neighbor.

Change the World.

St Paul's Episcopal Church Welcomes You.