Thoughts from Lori Confession is good for the soul, they say. And I think they're right, whoever "they" are. For much of church history, the Roman and Orthodox churches have required individual confession before one was allowed to receive Communion. Thus, the...
Weekly ePistle 2/18/15
Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes 7:00 pm tonight "Beauty" Many thanks to Yasmin Brown for donating "Beauty" to our Narthex. She is a welcome addition! Thoughts from Lori You are invited, "therefore, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by...
Weekly ePistle 2/11/15
Next Week Shrove Tuesday, February 17 Our second annual "Taco Tuesday" 7:00pm in the Parish Hall Please let Pam Dietmeyer know if you can help prep at 5:30! Ash Wednesday Holy Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes Offered at noon and 7:00pm Thoughts from Lori I've...
Weekly ePistle 2/4/15
Women's Wednesday is tonight! 7:00 p.m. Our last get-together before the tea on Sunday! Men's Breakfast is Saturday! February 7th, 8:00 a.m. at Kim & Patty's Thoughts from Lori + Believe it or not, Ash Wednesday is just two weeks from today! So it's not too soon...
Weekly ePistle 1/28/15
Thoughts from Lori + February 2nd is the Feast of the Presentation. (see Luke 2:22-40) It marks the occasion when Mary and Joseph, in keeping with Jewish law, brought Jesus to the Temple to be dedicated to God. As they entered the Temple, an elder named Simeon...
Weekly ePistle 1/21/15
Thoughts from Lori There are two questions that resonate with me on a regular basis. The first is: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Whenever someone asks me this, I'm immediately curious about what that person is reading, and a great conversation ensues. It also prompts me to...
Weekly ePistle 1/14/15
Thoughts from Lori I expect that most of you have heard or seen reports on the news about the tragedy in Baltimore, the See City of the Diocese of Maryland. Their newly consecrated suffragan bishop, the Rt. Rev. Heather Cook, has been charged with manslaughter,...
Weekly ePistle 1/7/15
Women’s Tea All women of the church who wish to participate in the planning of the Women's Tea on February 8th, are invited to stay for a meeting THIS COMING SUNDAY following Coffee & Conversation (at about 11:45am). Remember: this is a fund raiser which will...
Weekly ePistle 12/31/14
Blessings for the New Year O God our Creator, who has ordained the movements of the spheres by which we number our days and seasons; we pray you to enable us to reflect wisely on the year past, and to prepare faithfully for the year to come. We offer our praise and...
Weekly ePistle 12/17/14
Thoughts from Lori+ My aunt died last week. Most of you have heard this already, but bear with me. She was the last of my father's siblings; a truly great Southern lady in the very best sense of the word. I will never forget the words of her son, my cousin, when he...
Weekly ePistle 12/10/14
Thoughts from Lori The days are incredibly short as the darkness creeps in by 4:30 in the afternoon. It's that time of year... in more ways than one. This now prolonged holiday season is one that brings joy and anticipation for some while bringing sadness to others....
Weekly ePistle 12/3/14
Women's Wednesday is tonight! 7:00 p.m. Please join the women of the church (and their friends) for wine, refreshments and conversation. Please note: The office will be closed Friday, December 5th. Men's Breakfast Saturday, Dec. 6th, 8:00 a.m. at Kim & Patty's...