Weekly ePistle 5-20-15
Weekly ePistle 5/13/15
Weekly ePistle 5-13-15
Weekly ePistle 5/6/15
Weekly ePistle 5-6-15
Weekly ePistle 4/29/15
Weekly ePistle 4-29-15
Weekly ePistle 4/22/15
Weekly ePistle 4-22-15
Weekly ePistle 4/15/15
Weekly ePistle 4-15-15
Weekly ePistle 4/8/15
Thoughts from Lori Alleluia! Christ is risen. The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia! That is an ancient and traditional greeting exchanged between Christians, and meant to be used throughout the season of Easter. So when you bump into each other in the grocery store or a...
Weekly ePistle 4/1/15
Holy Week and Easter Blessings As you receive this, we will be about to enter the Triduum: the Great Three Days. The name comes from Latin roots that mean, essentially, "the three days" or "period of three days" (tri- = three, -dies = days). In our tradition, the...
Weekly ePistle 3/25/15
Thoughts from Lori The spring snow has come and mostly gone, and now Holy Week is upon us. Sunday - the Sunday of the Passion, or Palm Sunday - is here. It's a liturgically dramatic day; one which begins with Hosannas! as Christ enters Jerusalem and ends with silence...
Weekly ePistle 3/18/15
Thoughts from Lori Instead of hearing from me today, I thought you might like to hear from Bill. He is continuing to serve The Church of the Holy Communion in Lake Geneva, and this is an excerpt from his sermon this past Sunday. Enjoy. For we are what [God] has made...
Weekly ePistle 3/11/15
Thoughts from Lori It's amazing, isn't it, how the sun and the warmth in the air have revived us all! Of course, I've been in the mid-West long enough that I don't trust March - or even April - to stay this way. But it gives us hope, doesn't it, that spring will come....
Weekly ePistle 3/4/15
Spring Ahead! Don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour this weekend! Men's Breakfast Saturday, March 7th at 8:00 a.m. at Kim & Patty's Thoughts from Lori Can you name the Ten Commandments? The reading from the Hebrew Scriptures this coming Sunday will be...